Sandboxie is a program that can create a 'Sandboxed' environment on your PC within-which you can install and/or run programs or browse the net. Any data writing operations that the Sandboxed applications perform can then be rolled back and/or eliminated. The net effect of this is to create a kind of roll-back or undo mechanism that can be used to test out programs without damaging the system or surf the web without risk of infecting the system with any kind of malware.簡單來說,Sandboxie 提供一個環境讓指定的程式在其中執行,在這個環境中,所有對硬碟的寫入動作都可以被還原甚至消除。所以可以用來測試可能會對系統造成傷害的程式,或是保護你在瀏覽網頁的時候,遭到惡意程式入侵。
Ps. 我還沒有實際試用過,歡迎心得分享。